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2024-03-12 07:01:26

A perspective on active glassy dynamics in biological systems
Souvik Sadhukhan, Subhodeep Dey, Smarajit Karmakar, Saroj Kumar Nandi
2024-04-08 07:15:02

Current-density-modulated Antiferromagnetic Domain Switching Revealed by Optical Imaging in Pt/CoO(001) Bilayer
Tong Wu, Haoran Chen, Tianping Ma, Jia Xu, Yizheng Wu
2024-04-27 22:05:51

TikTok users with stigmatized interests or marginalized identities express anxiety over its potential ban, as rebuilding their communities elsewhere may be hard (Washington Post)
2024-04-25 20:56:11

Raiders QB Gardner Minshew Has Major Free Agency Revelation
2024-04-21 16:14:44

#30DaysOfBiking, Day 21: Took part in the mass bicycle tour #slowUp #Ticino (

A red-white Brompton with a black front bag leaning on a camping table, ready for riding.
A fenced garden full of parked bicycles.
Shop window of a bicycle shop named "Cicli Rivolta" with two guitars made out of bicycle parts, mostly chainrings.
Many cyclists on a residential main street using up all the width of the street in on direction. One person on inline skates and a dog on a leash between them.
2024-04-30 08:50:12

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-15 07:28:02

Electron-phonon interaction, magnetic phase transition, charge density waves and resistive switching in VS2 and VSe2 revealed by Yanson point contact spectroscopy
D. L. Bashlakov, O. E. Kvitnitskaya, S. Aswartham, G. Shipunov, L. Harnagea, D. V. Efremov, B. B\"uchner, Yu. G. Naidyuk
2024-04-23 06:59:35

Stacking X-ray Observations of "Little Red Dots": Implications for their AGN Properties
Minghao Yue, Anna-Christina Eilers, Tonima Tasnim Annana, Christos Panagiotou, Erin Kara, Takamitsu Miyaji